My New Toy
I’ve bought myself a lovely new Nikon D40 DSLR camera – it arrived on Tuesday. Unfortunately I was tight and ordered a memory card from MyMemory, which is cheaper, but it takes longer to arrive. This means I can’t use it which is really annoying! I’ll report more on it when I can actually play […]
I ache all over
Yesterday I returned from the National Student Rodeo 2008 where I was helping out with safety. Having spent two days jumping in the water attached to a rope, and hauling out swimmers and their kit, I am absolutely knackered and sore everywhere. Thanks to Carrick (Pyro) for organising the safety team, Dave for the safety […]
Welcome to my blog. I’m not sure what I will be writing here, and it will most likely be very boring – we shall see! Feel free to comment etc!