Having won the Phandroid competition giving away an invite for the Google Wave preview, I now have a Google Wave account! The problem is I can’t try this out without any contacts, and I can’t add any contacts because it won’t let me invite anyone.
I thought I would put this out there as there must be other people in similar situations. If you have an account, but no-one to “wave” with, feel free to add me and we can try it out. You could also add your details to the comments to invite others to contact you too.
My Google Wave address is (I think) [deleted – see below] (is there such thing as a waveto: url?). Feel free to say hi!
Please note I am not offering invites (yet). I haven’t been given any, and I already have people queuing up for them!
[Update 2009-11-03]: I’ve had a great response to this post, and don’t have time to converse with all the new contacts I’ve made! Instead I’ll publish the wave address of anyone who would like me to. Just leave a comment.
People who’ve sent me their addresses. All at username@goolewave.com:
- lucasmaia.df
- mouse.bpk
- anthony.kempton
- suspenf
- vinnybogan
- mr.rednas
- asimic91
- owenmadaeen
- ryanhelper
- stevebergtexas
- mike.krasny
- d3adbutt3rfly
- josh.orr
- jase3609
- promanex
- syamsulstar
- swaney3
- skippa25
- krishnarajster
Feel free to contact any of these people – they’re looking for contacts. If you want to me added to (or removed from) this list just let me know below.
31 responses to “Google Wave Contacts Wanted”
Just sent you a wave
i would love a wave invite
please add me to your wave.. swaney3@googlewave.com I sent you a wave.
@chris haunton If you read again you will see that I don’t have any invites to give!
add me if you like mines skippa25@googlewave.com
ive got no friends at the moment
Add me too
Please add me too…
I’d like some contacts promanex@googlewave.com
add me on jase3609@googlewave.com
A word of caution
Rob, thanks for the post. I just received my invite and found your site because I too was looking for some wave contacts. I appreciate what you have done here and have added those that have posted. However, I would like to suggest to you, those who have already responded and those who will visit in the future that your wave/email address be obfuscated. A computer doesn’t know that we’re all at google wave.com (and gmail), but we all know it, so just listing the user with the domain removed may be adequate. If anyone wants to add me, I’m josh.orr at the requisite domain.
i need some GW contacts so i can properly test this out. feel free to add me d3adbutt3rfly@gmail.com
Good point Josh, although at the moment I don’t know of any wave spambots, and as far as I know the addresses don’t work as email addresses anyway. I have removed the domains from the links in the post. If anyonw wants I can also remove them from their comments.
It’s also worth mentioning that you shouldn’t assume a Wave username will work @gmail.com: there’s also googlemail.com for UK users (de to a copyright issue), and mine isn’t a Google Mail address at all.
Would love some contacts, feel free to add me
Would love some contact as well… I just got onto Google Wave today….
feel free to add me!
hey sorry, i noticed that earlier post and id appreciate it if you removed the domain from my post
thats a good idea
didnt even think of that
Hey, add me
[…] you are on Wave you may find you have no-one to wave to, so check out my list of people who want contacts. Share […]
everyone wants contacts…me tooooo
add me.
just started using google wave. it looks nice but I need some contacts to try things out
add me mr.rednas@googlewave.com
I’m a Google Waver, but none of my friends are. So Either they’re Google loosers or I am 🙂 Add me! vinnybogan@googlewave.com
if you dont mind, i want to add these contacts to my blog
Hi Owen
I don’t mind, but I’m not sure whether everyone on the list would want it. Maybe send each one a wave asking them? Or you could just link to this post.
just started using google wave. it looks good but I need some contacts to try things out
Hi, Can you add my googlewave name anthony.kempton@googlewave.com
Hey i have had Google wave for a while now and no contacts so if you want to add me feel free mouse.bpk@googlewave.com
Hello I’m from brazil and I only have one friend fell free to add me ok !!!
I was looking at your website and noticed it appears the word “Somone” is spelled wrong. I had similar problems on my site until someone mentioned it to me and I also now use software from SpellPerfect.com to keep my site error free.